
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Academy Development Plan

Academy Development Plan Priorities 2023-2024

Quality of Education

Behaviour and Attitudes

Personal Development

Leadership and Management


To improve the forensic approach to reading across all phases of the academy

Improve attendance, across all phases of the academy, so that it is in line with the Academy aspiration of 97% and that Persistent absence is no greater than the National Average

To fully implement Flourish model within the academy across all subjects

To support curriculum leaders with adapting the curriculum to ensure that it includes a local context

To ensure that the best practice Early Years curriculum is being followed so that students are ready for the next stage of their education

For knowledge organisers to be used in all the subjects they have been produced for in a consistent approach across all phases

To forensically analysis the positive and negative behavioural data across all phases of the academy

To increase the knowledge and understanding of trauma informed practices across all staff in the academy

To build on and improve formative assessment in the classroom through quizzes to ensure that the children know more and remember more across all subjects

To focus on stretching the more able children across Early Years

To develop and embed a consistent approach to learning multiplication tables across the academy


Improve the take up of instructional coaching within the academy

To ensure that our SEND practice is consistent with the new trust's approach


To develop and embed a consistent approach to learning spellings across the academy


Improve attendance at community groups across the academic year


To develop DT across all phases of the academy