
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Academy Development Plan

Academy Development Plan Priorities 2024-2025


Quality of Education Behaviour and Attitudes Personal Development Effectiveness of Leadership and Management Early Years
To develop and embed a consistent approach to learning multiplication tables across the academy. To embed the Oasis Ryelands Way for behaviour and inclusion. To increase the knowledge and understanding of trauma informed practices across all staff in the academy (development of the Oasis Ryelands Way). To develop and support new leaders and ensure that adaptations are made to the curriculum, ensuring that it includes a local context. To develop the outdoor area to ensure a language rich provision that develops skills and knowledge progression as outlined in the Knowledge Organisers.
To develop and embed a consistent approach to arithmetic teaching and learning across the academy in order to raise attainment in mathematics. To continue to improve attendance and PA, across all phases of the academy, so that it is in line with the Academy aspiration of 97% and that Persistent Absence is no greater than the National Average. Instructional coaching programme developed within the academy to support new staff members and secure strong practice and pedagogy across the school. To ensure that our SEND practice is consistent with the new trust's approach, The Oasis Ryelands Way. To focus on stretching the more able children across Early Years.
To develop PE across all phases of the academy.   Pupil Leadership roles developed to support all pupils’ personal development outside of curriculum lessons.