
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Principal's Vision

Further to our overall vision statement, it is our aim to ensure that the following beliefs are present and clear to all those who become part of the Oasis Academy Ryelands family.

Because you are the expert on your child

We believe that education is a partnership between family, school and community and that by everyone working together, children can achieve their social and academic potential and become good citizens, leading happy and rewarding lives when they leave. We understand that, as parents and carers, nothing is more important to you than ensuring that your children have the best chance in life so that you can be proud of them. That’s why keeping your children safe and continually stimulated to learn, is our top priority. We all want the best for your child.

Because schools are at the heart of the community

Your school is part of your community and Oasis Academy Ryelands is, and very much wants to be, part of your community. A fantastic school is one where everybody associated with it works together as an effective team with the aim of helping your children achieve their academic and social potential so that they can have better tomorrows and turn their ambitions and dreams into realities. Our Academy looks forward to working with you to provide a centre of excellence within the community that achieves just that, an Academy that shines with brilliance.

Because all great artists began with finger painting

At Oasis Academy Ryelands we believe that every child can achieve greatness and that no one should set a ceiling on ambition - whatever your child dreams of becoming we will encourage them to aim for the stars and to shine. So for all those aspiring doctors, train drivers, footballers, dancers, firefighters, artists and Prime Minsters - Oasis Academy Ryelands will allow your child to follow their dream and be brilliant!

Because sometimes the best learning comes from jumping in puddles

Children need opportunities to explore and experience the world - learning is best when it is meaningful, inspirational and creative and that is what Oasis Academy Ryelands offers. During the Foundation Stage much learning will be child-led and although a more formal curriculum will begin in Year 1, child-centred learning will still be at the heart of the Academy throughout their time here.

Because every child is as unique as your finger print

Our ethos is one of respect for individuals and we believe that everyone should be valued for who they are. To be confident, children need to develop a real sense of who they are and who they are becoming in a positive light: we all have different talents and abilities and these need to be nurtured and celebrated so we can become the best possible version of ourselves.