
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Mental and Physical Wellbeing

Mental Health

Our Inclusion Team work closely with families when there are concerns about a pupil’s mental health. Parents can express their concerns to the classroom teacher or ask for an appointment with a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Adults in school may also express concerns about a child with whom they work. In all cases home/ school liaison is crucial in order to support the child’s wellbeing and regular discussions would take place.
Once these concerns were expressed the child would be observed in school and different strategies e.g. social stories, movement breaks, small group work, mentoring, counselling would be trialled in order to support the child. A referral to the school Educational Psychologist or visit to the family GP may be suggested.

In an emergency situation, with parent’s authorisation, the school will liaise directly with the local hospital to support the child. In very rare cases Social Care may be involved, generally with parents’ permission.

We employ a range of strategies to help support our children:

  • 1:1 support for pupils within and outside the classroom
  • Small group work based on Wave approach
  • Carrying out Social Skills Groups
  • Listening to pupils and giving them the opportunity to discuss any worries or fears
  • Developing supportive relationships with parents/carers to work in partnership to address, and offer advice on, their concerns and worries
  • Pupil conflict resolution
  • Multi agency liaison
  • Attending TAC and other external child support meetings
  • Supporting children at risk of exclusion

We also support children and families who are in need of additional help in areas such as: daily routines, parenting issues, facilitating positive relationships between home and school, managing finances, housing issues, housing management and accessing activities and resources in the local area.

Worry Boxes

We like all children to tell us if there is a problem so we can support them in sorting it out. Worry Boxes provide an opportunity for children to have a voice. If they are shy or lack confidence, they can write down their problem and get the support they need.

At Oasis Academy Ryelands, we ensure that children always have a trusted adult to speak to, to help them solve a problem or have someone to talk to about their worries. To ensure that children can always speak to a trusted adult, the below poster is displayed around the school and in the classrooms. Children can scan the QR codes to signpost them to useful websites for support as well as being able to contact the DSL to share their worries or concerns.   

Nurture Room (Calm Corner)

At Ryelands we want our children to be able to talk about any worries or concerns they may have. They are encouraged to speak to a trusted adult. If some things are continuing to trouble them, they will be offered to speak to a Mental Health First Aider. This could be for targeted support after a bereavement, unpicking worries and things that may be causing them to feel anxious. There is a designated Nurture Room (Calm Corner) for this to allow children to speak freely and feel supported. If you would like your child to speak to a Mental Health First Aider, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the main office. 


There are occasions when children are prescribed medicines such as antibiotics even though the doctor regards them as fit to attend school. The Academy would prefer NOT to become involved in the administration of such medicines but sometimes we feel it is appropriate if your child is well enough to return to school and needs to complete their course of medication. Please speak to the Academy Office as each case is different.

Children who need medicine as part of a chronic condition, such as asthma, attend the Academy Office for their medicine as necessary. A member of staff will complete a care plan with parent/carers for their child.

Click here to view a leaflet on Head Lice.

What happens if my child becomes ill during the day?

First Aid will be administered as necessary and a member of the Academy Office will call and ask you to collect your child. If hospital treatment is required, we need parental/carer consent. It is therefore essential that we have both your home and work telephone numbers, so that contact can be made in an emergency.

