
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

School Streets

Oasis Academy Ryelands is part of the School Streets Programme. This means there is no vehicle access to Oakley Road or Sandown Road between 8.00am to 9.30am and 2.00 to 4.00pm.

Any vehicle entering the street during these times will be issued with an automated fine unless they have an exemption.

Restrictions also apply on INSET Days.

If you are registered disabled, have a blue badge and need access to Oakley/Sandown Road during drop off / pick up times, please provide the office with your car registration number, the name the car is registered to and show your blue badge. We can then get you added to the exemption list.


It is important that parents and children do not confuse a School Street with a Play Street and that they continue to use all their road safety skills when on the road.

The School Street aims to make the journey to and from school safer for children, reduce congestion, improve air quality and promote increased physical activity. It is important to remember though that it is still a road. We have to apply all the usual caution and checks on our School Street as we would when using any other road.  Please use the comparatively safe environment of a School Street as an opportunity to build up these caution and check habits with your child. Remember, STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK.


Play your part in making our streets healthy and safe.

It can get very busy on streets around the school at drop off and pick up time. Most families walk, cycle or scoot to school. If you need to drive, please do your part to keep our streets healthy and safe for all road users.

  • NEVER park on junctions, dropped kerbs or driveways or cycle paths even if you are in a hurry
  • Park and Stride. In the morning park away from the school and walk your child the rest of the way. Parking is free in the morning in most surrounding residential roads
  • Challenge your family to walk, cycle or scoot to school one more time per week. Give it a go!


For more information please click here to visit Croydon Council's website.