
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Drama and Productions

We are firmly committed to all children having the chance to tread the boards! We know how much children enjoy performing on stage or in a public setting, and the confidence they gain from this experience is pronounced. So children from all year groups have a chance to address an audience on the following occasions:

  • Nursery – Harvest Festival (October), Nursery Carol Concert (December), Class Assembly
  • Reception – Easter concert (April), Harvest Festival (October), The Christmas nativity play (December), Graduation Assembly (July)
  • Year 1 – Easter concert (April), Harvest Festival (October), The Christmas nativity play (December), Class Assembly
  • Year 2 – Easter concert (April), Harvest Festival (October), Carol concert (December), Christmas Story (December), Class Assembly
  • Year 3 – Easter concert (April), Harvest Festival (October), Carol concert (December), Class Assembly
  • Year 4 – Easter concert (April), Harvest Festival (October), Carol concert (December), Class Assembly
  • Year 5 – Easter Story (April), Harvest Festival (October), Carol concert (December), Class Assembly
  • Year 6 – Easter concert (April), Harvest Festival (October), Carol concert (December), End of year production (July), Leavers' Assembly

In addition we hold auditions each year for Ryelands' Got Talent.