Drama and Productions
We are firmly committed to all children having the chance to tread the boards! We know how much children enjoy performing on stage or in a public setting, and the confidence they gain from this experience is pronounced. So children from all year groups have a chance to address an audience on the following occasions:
- Nursery – Harvest Festival (October), Nursery Carol Concert (December), Class Assembly
- Reception – Easter concert (April), Harvest Festival (October), The Christmas nativity play (December), Graduation Assembly (July)
- Year 1 – Easter concert (April), Harvest Festival (October), The Christmas nativity play (December), Class Assembly
- Year 2 – Easter concert (April), Harvest Festival (October), Carol concert (December), Christmas Story (December), Class Assembly
- Year 3 – Easter concert (April), Harvest Festival (October), Carol concert (December), Class Assembly
- Year 4 – Easter concert (April), Harvest Festival (October), Carol concert (December), Class Assembly
- Year 5 – Easter Story (April), Harvest Festival (October), Carol concert (December), Class Assembly
- Year 6 – Easter concert (April), Harvest Festival (October), Carol concert (December), End of year production (July), Leavers' Assembly
In addition we hold auditions each year for Ryelands' Got Talent.