
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

MCAS (My Child At School)

MCAS (My Child At School) is a new system we are using to communicate. It is a one-stop shop for communication, reports, attendance, bookings and payments.

Please click here for a Parents User Guide

We are asking all parents to follow the instructions below to access the latest updates from us about your child. The app is called My Child At School and it will give you access to the following, from your phone or from home:

  • Information on your child’s attendance
  • Booking and paying for Enrichment Clubs and Breakfast Club
  • Dinner Money
  • Messages to from us
  • Important documents and End of Year Reports (meaning we can save on printing!)
  • The option to pay for trips or other items, online
  • Organisation of parents evening bookings
  • Allows you to update your contact information

By signing up with the app, it will be more convenient for you to access information, and we will be able to save money on text message fees and printing costs. There are a few steps to join so that we can make sure your child’s information is safe.

You will have been sent an invitation email to sign up for MCAS, or will receive one when your child joins the school.

Please ensure we have your correct email address.

  1. We will email you:
    1. An Invitation Code
    2. The School ID Code
    3. Your Username
  2. Either:
    1. Download the ‘MyChildAtSchool’ app on your phone
    2. Or access
  3. Click on ‘Redeem Invitation Code’, and fill in the information we sent to you by email
  4. Fill in the details requested
  5. Last step – MyChildAtSchool will email you, please click to confirm you are who you say you are.

If you have recently changed email address, have not recently received any emails from us, or have not provided us with this information previously, we would be grateful if could submit this to us by emailing with MCAS Contact in the subject line.

Please have a look at the below video for instructions on downloading and setting up the app: